The battle to Save Restaurant Row takes the time and effort of many professionals. Continuous efforts will be made to help the city of Toronto.
Please donate to help fund the legal fight at the OMB.

Some Frequently Asked Questions about Donating

How do I donate?
The easiest way to donate is by clicking here...
But if you do not have Paypal or a credit card,
please visit the owner of Kit Kat, Al Carbone and make a donation in person.
Why should I donate?
Help keeping the city of Toronto culturally binding with the great cafes, shops, restaurants, and night life that it has to offer.
How much is a fair amount?
We find that any donation helps, from a simple $5 to a larger donation. For change to occur there must be knowledge of its flaw.
How can I help if I cannot donate?
Any Torontonian can help this cause by sharing our website, our social media links and get the word out. Our community is strong and growing.
How much needs to be raised?
A lot.